Hello fellow interwebbers. I know you probably know me more for my wrestling reviewing than anything else, but today I've decided to make this blog home to all of the reviews I write on a daily basis for my greatest passion: film. After having ravenously discovering the website Letterboxd, I was hooked into the writing process again, deciding to apply my efforts onto the critical analysis of fim from now on. So here we are! Template wise, I'm a lazy bastard so this is a work in progress and I apologize for it's haphazard nature, but I will eventually get around to creating a comfortable template and tone to accompany my reviews. I won't focus particularly on any specific genre, but I am a big fan of all things horror, Sci-Fi, noir, and avant garde. I view film as the ultimate medium with which we as human beings are a able to convey the most powerful of emotions and reactions, the apex of artistry if you will. Mostly starting off will be nothing but reblogging older reviews, but as I go along watching from now on, I shall update this blog daily along with my Letterboxd acconnt.
Let's go to the movies, shall we?
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